The love of Radha and Krishna is symbolic of the
eternal love affair between the devoted mortal and the Divine…Radha’s
yearning for union with her beloved Krishna is the soul’s longing for
spiritual awakening.
human being is constantly seeking a share of peace and happiness, and
since one does not know the real source of these, one seeks them in the
midst of sense objects. But when, in devotion, one comes to turn one’s
entire attention towards the higher and the nobler, one experiences the
Immortal, the Infinite – as intimately as one experienced the world and
its changes before.
Sri Krishna says in the Bhagavad Purana: “The
mind that constantly contemplates the sense objects irresistibly comes
to revel in their finite joys, and the mind that learns to constantly
remember Me comes to dissolve into Me and revel in Me.”
Radha represents this state of devotion and consequent merging with the Lord.
MEHUL PATEL - MAR2015 (GujaratiKanudo)