Google+ G U J A R A T I K A N U D O's World: October 2010
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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

what are the riks if you are an homosexual a heterosexual person? -GK

What happens when a person is HIV positive and what may be its evolution?

We can separate three phases that may occur after infection with HIV:

- Primary: infected people are beginning to produce anti-HIV antibodies that may be detectable with the serological test. People are then infected.

- Evolution: in a second phase of the infection, from 6 months to 10 years or more, clinical manifestations may occur in some people and in others, evolution towards AIDS (severe form of infection with HIV), while another third group can maintained without any demonstration. Among the minor symptoms of infection with HIV can be found persistent clinical symptoms, such as an increase in the volume of the nodes in various parts of the body, weight loss greater than 10% of body weight, fever and night sweats, and severe forms of herpes, Persistent diarrheic and abundant. These symptoms are not specific to AIDS because many diseases, usually benign, can cause these events. People who have a low percentage of T4 cells are at high risk of evolving into the disease.
- AIDS: People who develop AIDS, because the immune system is severely damaged, they can submit the following events:

General Information about the AIDS - GujaratiKanudo


AIDS was first reported June 5, 1981, when the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recorded a cluster of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (now still classified as PCP but known to be caused by Pneumocystis jirovecii) in five homosexual men in Los Angeles. In the beginning, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) did not have an official name for the disease, often referring to it by way of the diseases that were associated with it, for example, lymphadenopathy, the disease after which the discoverers of HIV originally named the virus. They also used Kaposi's Sarcoma and Opportunistic Infections, the name by which a task force had been set up in 1981. In the general press, the term GRID, which stood for Gay-related immune deficiency, had been coined. The CDC, in search of a name, and looking at the infected communities coined “the 4H disease,” as it seemed to single out Haitians, homosexuals, hemophiliacs, and heroin users. However, after determining that AIDS was not isolated to the homosexual community, the term GRID became misleading and AIDS was introduced at a meeting in July 1982. By September 1982 the CDC started using the name AIDS, and properly defined the illness.

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