Memory is a very tricky thing. We may remember some things and not other, less pleasant experiences. On the one hand, I know that what I remember is not exactly how life was in the past. On the other hand, I cannot doubt the truth of this memory. When we remember nostalgically the past memories, we wish we could relive or return to those good days once again. Compared to our present time, the time in the past seems to us so much freer, more energetic, more affectionate and more perfect. We yearn for those moments but we know they are irrevocable. Nostalgia can only confirm that the separation with something that we value and long for cannot be bridged in our present. It is an unfulfilling longing. We sense the lack. We sense the impossibility of retrieving the lost time. We feel regret.
Nostalgia is more commonly referred to not as a medical condition or a field of study, but as a feeling that any normal person can have. Nostalgia can often be associated with a fond childhood memory, a certain game or a treasured personal object.
In the above given link, I have spoken more about my childhood memories. Amongst other things, I have mentioned a few of the ads I saw in the ’80s on television. Recently, I also wrote a couple of posts about the
LIRIL girl and the
1950s Johnson’s Baby ad. A few comments in the previous post asked me to write more about the old ads that we had seen in our childhood. Hence continuing on ads, I remembered (thanks to Sundar) a few more ads from the ’80s and penned some details, jingles, punchlines and stories related to them. All the readers who have seen these ads might have instant recall, I feel.